With Winters around, I remember my childhood days when my father would ask mummy to make special Kadha for us to ward off Cold and cough. Kadha is basically a drink which is made by adding Saunf (Fennel Seeds), Jeera (Cumin), Ajwain (Carom Seeds), Laung (Clove), Sabut Kali Mirch (Black pepper). All these are added in water and I add little bit of sugar. These spices are obtained from herbs and they have a natural way of providing the immunity to body. Indian kitchen is absolutely incomplete without these spices. Jeera aids in digestion, weight loss, avoids constipation, stabilizes BP. Apart from adding flavour to the drink, Saunf is helping in digestion and its good for heart and helps fight diabetes. Ajwain are hot for body and shall be consumed in winters. It helps in improving appetite. Specially for pick-eater kids, an ajwain salt parantha is always a good breakfast. I grew up having this Ajwain parantha with milk in breakfast. Ajwain seeds can be taken raw with litlle salt to avoid the piercing pain of stomach. Ajwain has a healing property for clearing up mucus in cold and eases breathing for a congestive chest. Laung is rich in Vit C and has anti-oxidant properties. Kali Mirch is used as a remedy for cough from ages. We can mix ginger, honey and kali mirch for releif in bad/ sore throat. In small quantities, it can be given to kids. There are various ways in which we can make Kadha. We can add tea leaves to the above mixture and it would make a black tea Kadha or green tea leaves to make green tea kadha. It all depends how you wish to have it. This is simple Kadha recipe in water and I like it this way since I always had it like that.
Last Year when my father-in-law was not well and had caught chill with cold and unending vomits, I instantly made this Kadha and after having it, his vomits stopped and by next day he was totally fine. This is tried and tested recipe and has done wonders for several in family. If you think you are feeling low or your immunity is weak, I would recommend this immunity booster drink which you may not have in large quantities. Even half a cup can do wonders but since its heated item (Garm Taseer), pregnant women and girls should avoid it.
Wish you a good health!!
Check out the detailed video on youtube: https://youtu.be/NVjG4A5rSJA
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Tulsi Kadha Given that Covid has happened and world is revolving around how to handle this pandemic, we go back in ancient times and try to do what our forefathers have already done. Tulsi kadha is nothing new to me as along with Ajwain Kadha, mm used to make tulsi kadha also. Now its been told by Ministry of Ayush to have it daily for fighting the coronavirus and boosting immunity. Very soon I would be uploading its detailed recipe.
You may check its detailed video on the link: Tulsi Kadha and recipe on vegbuffet.com @ Tulsi Kadha
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