Easy Ingredients

Easy Ingredients

Flavorful addictive cookies eggless  Gathers Quickly Make Ahead Recipe Kids Friendly


Milk Wheat Flour Oats Rolled or Porridge Sugar white  Butte, Ghee, Baking Soda Cinnamon Cardamom powder Peanut Butter Raisins



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Step 1

Mix butter, sugar and ghee to make a smooth mixture

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Step 2

Add peanut butter and give it a good mix.

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Step 3

Gradually add wheat flour, oats, raisins,  and milk to make a smooth dough. Add baking powder towards end.

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Step 4

Once the dough has rested, place the small portions on a parchment paper for baking.

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Step 5

Make sure to preheat oven for 10 min at 200 deg C. i have used an old OTG and baked at 150 deg C for 8 min.

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Step 6

Once the cookies are done (they get browned and swell), let them rest on racking stand to harden up a bit. Enjoy!

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